IN the evening of May the 22nd we left Yaroslaf. From the opposite bank of the Volga we saw for the last time, in the splendour of the setting sun, the many-towered, grandly situated Yaroslaf. The road soon turned into a dark pine-forest, and our tarantases being navigated very slowly through the deep sand, we all gradually fell asleep. We did not awake till the next morning, in the neighbourhood of the town of Danilof. This place has more resemblance to a European town than the majority of towns in Russia. The inhabitants are nearly all coppersmiths, whose chief occupation is the manufacture of the above-described tea-urns, samovars, which have a great sale, extending into the heart of Asia. Several of the inhabitants carry on this trade on a large scale, as in a manufactory, and we visited some of their establishments.