And not (i) by old gradation, where each fecond Stood heir to th' firft.

In difpraife of Honejiy.

We cannot all be mailers, nor all matters Cannot be truly follow'd. You fliall mark Many a duteous and knee-crooking knave, That, doting on his own obfequious bondage, Wears out his time, much like his matter's afs, For nought but provender, and when he's old,calhier'd^ Whip me fuch honeft knaves. Others there are Who trimm'd in forms and vifages of duty, Keep yet their hearts attending on themfelves ; And throwing but fhows of fervice on their lords, Well thrive by them; and when they have lin'd their

coats, Do themfelves homage. Thefe folks have fome foul, And fuch a one do I profefs myfelf. For, Sir, It is as fure as you are Roderigo,

( i ) By old, &c.] i. e. by the old and former gradation, the old and ufual method formerly praftis'd. It is a very common manner of exprefiion, when fjpeaking of any thing formerly in ufe.