Workplace bullying is a severe and pervasive problem in the American workplace and really the global workplace. Millions of workers, like Lindsey, suffer every day as the targets of workplace bullying. Workplace bullying can be devastating to targets' careers and lives. Bullying harms targets' emotional, psychological and even physical well-being. Workplace bullying has even been linked to post-traumatic stress–type symptoms. It is often the psychological and emotional impacts of workplace bullying that lead to the worst outcomes for targets. Truly ethical and socially responsible companies would surely address and look to eliminate workplace bullying based on these effects. From a business standpoint, there really is no reason that employers should not address and look to eliminate workplace bullying. Unlawful harassment in the United States is generally considered a subset of the broader phenomena of workplace bullying. Workplace harassment is extremely pervasive, even more pervasive than the prevalence levels of bullying in the vast majority of studies suggest.