The purpose of this chapter is to spell out how the theoretical ideas presented through this book are connected with urban design as practiced. In the UK there are, perhaps, three bibles to which urban designers revert for guidance on the practice of urban design: these are By Design published by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (2000) and the Urban Design Compendium published originally by English Partnerships (2000) (and somewhat later followed by a Part 2 (English Partnership, 2007). Between them these three documents fairly comprehensively cover the territory generally understood to be the remit of urban design; they set out what is considered to be best practice in both how to go about urban design and what urban designers should be aiming to achieve; with respect to the latter, in the final chapter some further discussion is provided on the origins of this guidance. Here follows, however, a quick run through of the key tenets within that guidance and how it relates to the theory set out in preceding chapters.