Pleaseth it your honour that wheras I did of long tyme sue to have the passage discovered to Cataia, and as yet never had any direct answere of the same. Mr. Gilbert and I (havinge sins sondry tymes discoursed therof, and nothing dubting the good successe) do meane (god willing) to make try all of the same at our owne costes and charges, with the help of such as by our procurement shall assist us in that behalf, Yf it maye please her majestie to prevelige us for the terme of our lyves or the longer

First, none to go to any parte of the worlde through the passage by us or by our order discovered, uppon payne of confiscation of bodye, goodes and Iandes, to us and our uses, during our lyves or the longer lyver of either of us, savinge such as shalbe made fre by us according to the privelege of all our discoveryes.