Pke eitle, 0/ the !JOOleB are copied literatim aB jar aB the elliptic marleB, anti. are to 6e considered aB emire wkm no BUck marle, are i'lUJe'l"ted. The nameB 0/ ehe autkorB, anti the titular distinctiona which precede thoBe names, are al80 copied literatim. The designationB wkich follow ehe namu, or portions of tkoBe designationB, are gi ven whm they 8erve 1,0 idemijy the autkors, or to intimate tkeif' qualificatio,Ul witk rejerence to the worlca in queation. Phe num6er of the edition, ij atated, l,S repeated. 'l'ke imprintB of the !Jooles are aMre'IJiated. The siu, and the numlJer oj 'lJOlUmeB, joUow the imprintB.