Aboute noune, the I sth daye, we beinge thwarte of Peengwine Ilande [seep. so], our Generall caused an aincient4 to be hunge out for a counsell aborde hime, [to decide] whether it were better to refreshe here or to goe aboute the Cape for some other place. But it was agreaed upon beste for to put into Saldania, for that divers of our men in all our shippes were sicke of the scurvey. And so presently we put into the rode, beinge some three leages within Pengwine Ilande. This ilande is aboute two leages in

June 1614] TABLE BAY 53 cumpas, but no inhabitance therin. Shippes may passe of either side of the ilande into the baye, which is a very great baye and reasonable good ridinge therin. We came to an ancker herein aboute foure a cloke in the afternoune ; but the wether beinge some thinge thicke, and it begining to growe towardes night (for ther winter is when our somer is, and contrary their somer when our winter), noone of our boattes wente ashore. And that night at eveninge about six a cloke we loste one of our men over borde, willinge of himselfe.