This noted merchant, "citizen and Skynner of London," died in 1621 and was buried in the Church of St Dunstan's in the East. To his memory was erected "A faire Monument in the North He of the Chancell with the inscription:—Heere lieth the body of Richard Wyche, Merchant and Citizen of London, free of the Company of Skinners, amongst whom having borne all Offices, his life and carriage was exemplary. Hee married Elizabeth, the Daughter of Sir William Saltingstall, Knight, sometimes Alderman and Maior of this Honourable City of London, by whom he had issue, 12 Sonnes and 6 Daughters, viz. Richard, Thomas, Susan, Daniel, George, Samuel, Peter, Elizabeth, James, Mary, Anne, Edward, Julius, William, Henry, Abigaile, Nathaniell, Rebecca. Sonnes, 4 deceased, 8 living. Daughters, 2 deceased, 4 living. Hee yeelded his soule in peace to his Maker the 20. of November, after 67 yeeres pilgrimage here amongst men, whose latter yeeres were bestowed in expectation of his end, exprest in setling of his estate here on earth, and in preparation of his soule for Heaven, where it now remaines in peace and happiness4."