Now, the time approached for the return homewards, for the captain of the fleet began to load the ships to return to Portugal, and I, having been seven years from my own house, and from my love and good feeling towards my country, and also in order that I might carry to it an account of a great part of the world, was constrained to ask leave o f my lord the Viceroy, which of his grace he granted to me, and said that he wished me first to go with him where you shall know. Wherefore, he and all his company put ourselves in order in white armour, so that few people remained in Cucin, and on the twenty-fourth of November of the year abovementioned we made the assault within the port of Pannani. On that day we came before the city o f Pannani. On the next morning, two hours before day, the Viceroy summoned all the boats o f the ships with all the people of the fleet, and told them how that was the country which made war upon us more than any other country in India, and

sadly at a loss for an exemplification o f Mussulman or HindA ignorance, ■when Le adduced in proof o f it their wonderment on hearing the tolling o f the church bell.