After our hartie commendacions. The Queenes Ma'ws pleasure is that certain oore brought into this realme by our loving frend Martin Ffurbusher, gent, out o f the north-west partes, shalbe caryed into the Tower and layd in some convenyent place by you to be appointed for that purpos, the said oore to be by him delyvered unto you by weight and so by you receaved. And further that to the doare o f the place where the same shall lye there be fower severall lockes and keyes made, whereof the said Ffurbusher to have one, you her heighnes officers two, and Michaell Locke, tresorer of the Company of Adventurers into the said north-west partes, the fourth. Whereof her Matie hath appointed us to geve you knowledge to thend you maie take present order therein accordinglie.