After our very harty commendations. Whereas the shyps imploied in the viage o f Meta Incognita are nowe retorned all home in saffetie wth Mr. Ffurbusher, and foras muche as we are informed yt in this voyage dyvers new places and mynes have byn dyscovred. We have thought yt necessarye to require you to have a care in these matters, and to call before you the generall, and the captaynes, masters and pilotes o f the shyps, and to demand o f them account in wryting severallie o f their doinges and procedinges in this voyage, wth discourse o f the thinges happened in the same, And also to demand and take o f them such platts and cartes o f descriptions o f the countries and places as they have made, and to forbyd them and others to publish or gyve out to others any platts or descriptions of the same countries.