The postmodern critique of the subject is best understood as being directed against the modern view of subjectivity. The metaphysical desire for a foundational account of human subjectivity, that is, one which presupposes that subjectivity can be an object of our thought, is allegedly exemplified in Descartes's philosophical system. A theological perspective that honestly recognizes human brokenness and sinfulness is better prepared to acknowledge the could-have- and should-have-been-otherwise character of history. Human responsibility for history becomes more apparent with Chauvet's understanding of creation as gift. His understanding creation as gift involves an acceptance of certain autonomy in the created order and also implies that the history of the cosmos as well as human history is dynamic and open-ended. Chauvet's understanding of the sacrament of Eucharist in relationship to "overcoming" onto-theology was explored. Chauvet have proceeded by considering whether or not the text of Eucharistic Prayer might facilitate this overcoming.