This chapter examines how Tupac Inca again set out from Cuzco, and of the fierce war he waged with those of Huarco. The province of Chincha was an important part of the kingdom of Peru, and very populous, insomuch that, before the time of Tupac Inca, the Chinchas, with their captains, had made incursions as far as the Collao, whence they returned to their province with great spoils. Tupac Inca, when he arrived at Nasca, on the coast, received and despatched embassies, and there were some encounters and skirmishes; but they consented to what the Inca required of them, that they should build strong forts, receive mitimaes, and pay the tribute imposed on them. Tupac Inca returned to Cuzco; and as men have little constancy, when they saw that the Huarcos remained in possession of their liberties, there began to be changes among them, while some rebelled and threw off the yoke of the Inca.