Tupac Inca, having returned to Cuzco after having gained the great victories which have been described, was enjoying himself at banquets and drinking-bouts, with his wives, damsels, and children, for several days After a general and very splendid feast, Tupac Inca set out from Cuzco, leaving his eldest son Huayna Ccapac as his lieutenant; and with great splendour and state, he travelled to Colla-suyu, visiting his garrisons and royal tampus, and being entertained in the villages of the Canas and Canchis. Having been victorious in the country beyond Charcas, the Inca traversed many provinces, and vast snow-covered deserts, until he arrived in the country we call Chile. After the festivities, Tupac Inca thought of visiting the Collao and subduing the region beyond. With this object, he ordered the soldiers to be summoned from all parts, and many tents to be prepared for passing the night in the desert places.