Control theoretical extensions have developed into an important research of psychology and behavioral sciences. White performed an important contribution to the concept of psychological control. Later, these considerations of White are taken up by Bandura, DeCharms, Lefcourt and Seligman and are fully developed. Under self-regulation, Kanfer, Reinecker and Schmelzer understood the fact that a person drives their own behavior with regard to self-made goals, whereby the regulation results through a modification of the behavior itself or through influencing one of the conditions of the behavior. In an investigation by Lunt and Livingstone it was examined which factors are seen by persons as relevant for when consumers get themselves into debt. In the sense of the construction of a profitable and durable customer relationship, based on partnership, the business must be in a position to fulfil the customer expectations persistently, or it must lose the customers prematurely due to certain achievements that cannot be controlled or guaranteed by the business.