Right worshipfull, I have byn bold to send yow certain nootes tutchynge the newe founde land, the rather for that I perceved, at my last beynge with yow at the corte, by yor rejoysyng hart, what joy yowe conceved to here any thynge that might benefyt yor cuntry. And then weying the redynesse of yor good nature, so prest to further sutche matter by sygnyfyinge the same to the grave counsellors of this land, 1 wch stody contynually nothynge more than gods honor and the proffyt of ther cuntrye, happely yowe beynge ofte tymes amonge them, may in some ower informe them what yowe hard, and what possybylyte there is in tyme to come to be rypte by that land, yf yt wer inhabyted.