They punish murder with the death sentence, 2 and also intercourse with a woman who is not one's own: by that I mean not one's own wife or attendant, since they are allowed to do what they like with their female slaves. 3 Large-scale theft they punish, again, with death. 4 For

1 This may reflect the practice in contemporary China, where objective proof of guilt was required but torture was frequently employed to extract a confession: see J. Gernet, Daily life in China on the eve of the Mongol invasion 1250-1276 (London, 1962), p. 107. Regarding the death penalty,Juwaynl, I, 38-9 (tr. Boyle, p. 53), says that it is sometimes waived and the guilty party sent to the wars, or on an embassy from which he is considered unlikely to return, or to a region with an insalubrious climate.