Hrant Dink was an Armenian-Turkish journalist, the founder and director of Agos, a weekly Turkish-Armenian magazine committed to bridging Turkish divided memories on the Armenians uprooting. He was shot on 19 January 2007, in Istanbul, in broad daylight, beneath Agos premises. This chapter analyses the new, ritualistic memory of Hrant Dink's sacrifice aims at bridging divided memories in Turkey, being a growing shared symbol of a new post-Kemalist collective memory. It focuses on a few dimensions and elements, considering the elemental grammar of a ritual, to analyse the commemoration of Dink's death. In the commemoration of Dink, two different common focuses of attention depending on the phase of the ritual are present. The first one is the red heart-shaped wreath. The second common focus of attention during the commemoration is Agos balcony. Copies of Agos were put at the centre of the heart-shaped wreath, as well as a stuffed dove, a particularly significant symbol.