Sean OFaolain, King of the Beggars: A Life of Daniel OConnell OFaolain was thinking specifically of the Magee Trials of 1813. He declared that of all OConnell's combats at the bar this was the one that marked him out definitely as the national leader. At first Smith threatened to report OConnell to the other judges, but by the end of the conversation he was paying me all kinds of compliments and offering me any retribution in his power. Magee had not just attacked Richmond, he had also catalogued the errors of previous administrations, and these were examined by OConnell and supported. Hunting Cap was aware that there was going to be another Magee trial over publication of the Kilkenny resolutions and here he ordered OConnell not to behave in a similar manner, but act with calmness, discretion and decency. Finlay, OConnell's greatest strength was that he could speak well every day.