First to have them sett downe whatt entertaynment I shall have for this office of collonell generall, which if they refuse tournyng me of to the venter of the J orney, then to sett me downe under their handes and sealles whatt parte I shall have owtt of the sayd venter. he is to have sooli adventure. he shall have iij partes of any foure shares yt any oft' Generalis shall have. Secondly seing the comande of the menn of warr is delyverid to me by her maiesties comysion as Collonell generall, I callenge as of due the makinge of all Inferyer officers under me, as bathe bin ever in all warrs permyttid to everye particuler collonell by the La we of Armes. for this they are both sides content to be overruled by my Lords. Thirdly that all monnyes I shall lay owtt for the better furnyshing of my self in this viage uppon due prooffes made to the generalis (if I am tournid to the fortune of the vyage) may be alowid me owtt of the venture, and Likewise such reasonable other chargis as I shalbe forcid to spend att plymouth and ells wher in atending the sayd vyage after their departure from hence. this article is answered before in the first. Fourthely since the menn of warr must go upon the thirds only, and nott in her maiesties pay I desire that this agreement may be signed indenture wiss between the generalis and the Colonell and other Cheffe officers of the menn of warr and thatt wee may have an officer payd by us to be permittid to Loke into the treasure and other comodities thatt shalbe gotten and to take Inventory of Itt and thatt devision may be made ther of owr partes befor our

1 Hatfield MSS, 34, no. 21. A draft which does not differ in substance is in B.M., Harleian MSS, 4762, ff. 8--9. The notes (here italicized) are marginal and in a different hand. Two such notes on the last two items are illegible.