Wee have returned you this gentleman with as much expedition as ye consideracion of such an affaire would permytt us, with some Instructions in writing signed by our Counsell agreable to our directions which our pleasure is should be followed by you for ye presente Action, requiring yow both in theise and all other thinges which he shall imparte unto yow to give him full and ample credyt. By which this our sending one so nere unto us thus soddenly after his former painfull J orny (to whom you are not a Litle beholding for his Report of ye exceeding care and paines of yow and our servant Baskervyle for all thinges belonging to our service) wee trust yow can very well conceave that wee are full of care for you as persons to whom we wishe all happie and prosperous successe not doupting but yow will thincke that if we did not much Rely uppon your faiths valour and Judgment wee would not commyt to you so great a charge and especially in such a tyme considering ye Nature of this Action where matter of mony is one of our Least adventures in comparison of ye rest. And therfore be thus perswaded that our extraordinary expirience of your former meryttes is the only and chiefest cause of this so extraordinary an Affiance in those Courses to which yow have conducted [us]2