And touchinge my sellfe : I understande to my greate gryefe by Mr Killigrew that your MaJestie is highelye offended with mee for my going awaye from Sir Thomas Baskervile, whereof I doubte not but to cleere my sellfe verye sufficientlye, whensoever yt shall please your highenes to cause it to be examyned, Neither did I leave him till we were paste all daunger of the Enemye, (my sellfe beinge then as lykelye to dye as to lyve by reason of my gryevous woundes) nor then without his leave, And that uppon very iuste cause, for that I was in great daunger to have famishte all my companie and so your majesties good shippe muste have perishte with us in the seas. And what I did in leavinge him, the lyke was done by his brother Captaine Baskervile in your Majesties good shippe the Hope, and by others, yet none therein so charged as my selfe.