One of his captains of infantry, named Christoval Garcia, who had been a caulker, either from the enmity he bore the maestro del campo, or because he desired to have his post, succeeded in discrediting him with Aguirre ; for, knowing his chief’s bitter and suspicious disposition, and that it would require but little to get him on bad terms with the maestro del campo, or even to have him killed; and giving a colour of truth to his malice, by an appearance of zeal for the honour of his general, he said to him that same day, that the maestro del campo harboured much evil in his heart, that he had asked many of his friends to kill Aguirre on the first opportunity, and to take the men and ships to France, for

which purpose he had got his friends together, when they agreed to carry out his views ; they had had a great feast in the fortress, the moment Aguirre had left for Punta de Piedras, when the trumpets and arabales played, with other signs of rejoicing. He supplicated Aguirre that he would look to this matter, and not allow so open a treason to go further, for if he should lose his life, what would be the fate of his trusty followers ?