V pon many probable and reasonable inducements, vsed unto sundry of the chiefest Merchants of Bristoll, by Master Richard Hakluyt Prebendary of Saint Augustines the Cathedrall Church of the said Citie, 3 after diuers meetings and due consultation they resolued to set forth a Voyage for the farther Discouerie of the North part of Virginia. And first they sent the said Master Hakluyt accompanied with one Master Iohn Angell, and Master Robert Saltern (which had beene in the said Discouerie the yeere before with Captaine Bartholomew Gosnold) to obtaine permission of Sir Waiter Raleigh (which has a most ample Patent of all those parts from Queene Elizabeth) to entermeddle and deale in that action. Leaue being obtained of him vnder his hand and Seale, they speedily prepared a small ship called the Speed-well in burthern about fiftie tunnes, manning the same with some thirtie men

and Boyes, wherein went for Master and chiefe Commander in the Voyage one Martin Pring, a man very sufficient for his place, and Edmund Iones his Mate, and Robert Salterne aboue mentioned, as their chiefe Agent, with a Barke called the Discouerer, of six and twentic tunnes or thereabout,2 wherein went for Master William Browne and Samuell Kirkland his Mate, 3 both good and skilfull Mariners, being thirteene men and a Boy in all in that Barke. 4 The aforesaid ship and Barke were plentifully victualled for eight monethes, 5 and furnished with slight Merchandizes thought fit to trade with the people of the Countrey, as Hats of diuers colours, greene, blue and yellow, apparell of coarse Kersie and Canuasse readie made, 6 Stockings and Shooes, Sawes, Pick-axes, Spades and Shouels, Axes, Hatchets, Hookes, Kniues,

Sizzers,Hammers,Nailes,Chissels,Fish-hookes,Bels,Beades,Bugles, Looking-glasses,Thimbles,Pinnes,Needles,Threed,andsuchlike. TheysetsailefromKingrode'1thetwentiethdayofMarch.