When the five days had elapsed which Cogeatar had required to send in search of the men, the great Afonso Dalboquerque sent him word by Gaspar Rodriguez that the time which he had sent to beg for instituting a search for his men was now gone by some days, and if they had arrived, would he send them back to him. Cogeatar told him that he had sent some of his servants to the mainland in search of the Christians, and that they had not come back and had done nothing, but he might tell the chief captain that he must return him one of his servants whom he had taken in reprisal, a man who knew the country very well, that he might despatch him in search of the men; for he was very diligent, and would set about this business in a different manner to anyone else, and then, in two days’ time, he would send the fugitives back. Gaspar Rodriguez returned from the land with this reply, and informed Afonso 165Dalboquerque that he perceived from the overbearing mien of certain Moors who were of the faction of Cogeatar, and also by the wording of his reply, that he would not deliver up the Christians to him, but was desirous of a rupture with him, and was fostering this delay with the intention of putting into practice some kind of treason which he had organised, for he had given orders that the entrances of two streets, which led to the houses where the factory of stone and mortar was situated, should be closed. Afonso Dalboquerque, being now advertised of this that Graspar Rodriguez mentioned, and also to anticipate the malice of Cogeatar, determined to order a cessation of the work, and talked over the matter with João da Nova and the factor, who just then happened to be present with him in the parao close to the shore; and as they agreed in thinking it advisable, Afonso Dalboquerque, without further delay, issued orders to João da Nova to withdraw all the officers of the work, as well as the rest of the men who were going about the city, lest they should receive some affront from the Moors. So João da Nova proceeded forthwith to land, and caused all of them to withdraw to the parao so effectually, that before sunset there was not one left in the city.