A f t e r this the day had come when the court was assembled, on the day appointed, and the Lord Infante had a general council proclaimed: that everyone should come to the palace of Messina, as well those of the city generally, as everyone else, and richs homens and knights and syndics and representatives of all the lands of Sicily, and all the* learned men. And when they were all as­ sembled, the Lord Infante, who was of the wisest princes of the world, and of those who spoke best (and was so thereafter and is still and will be as long as he lives) rose and said: “ Barons, We have assembled you here because, as you know, We hold here, in Our prison at Matagrifon, the Prince, eldest son of King Charles. Now you all know that King Charles, his father, took the spoils of the good King Manfred, Our grandfather and your natural lord, and how he died in battle, and with him King Enzio, his brother. Further, you know how King Conradin, Our uncle, came from Germany to avenge this death and this spoliation, and how, as it came to be God’s pleasure he, also, and all his followers were defeated by the said King Charles. And you know that King Conradin came into his hands alive, and you know also that he perpetrated the greatest cruelty, king or son of king had ever done to so great a nobleman as was King Conradin (who was of the noblest blood of the world) when he caused his head to be cut off at Naples. And you can see how God will inflict punish­ ment on him, and how He will take revenge for his great cruelty, for it is you who have suffered most hurt and