A n d when the King of France and the cardinal knew all this they thought themselves dead men ; and said the cardinal: “ What demons are these who do us so much damage?” Said the King of France: “ Cardinal, these are the people of the world most loyal to their lord ; for you could cut off their heads before they would allow their lord, the King of Aragon, to lose his dominions. And so, by sea and by land, you may see many such defeats. Therefore I tell you, We and you have undertaken a mad enterprise. And you are partly the cause of this event, for you have plotted and negotiated with Our uncle King Charles; and these people and their feats have caused him to die of grief. God grant that We have not the same fate as he.” And the cardinal did not know what to say, for he knew well that what the King of France had said to him was the truth ; and so they said no more. And I need not tell you what