W h e n En Ramon Marquet and En Berenguer Mallol saw that the galleys had desisted from their pursuit, they crowded on sail and bore away from the host and steered for Barcelona. What shall I tell you ? At the end of that day and night and next day, at the hour of tierce,1 they were in sight of Barcelona. And when they of the city saw them they feared greatly that the twenty-one galleys had been lost ; indeed, all were full of apprehension. But the Lord King, who was more concerned than anyone else, came to the shore on horseback, with much chivalry, and looked at the galleys and counted twenty-two big sails and two lenys. And he said : " Barons, be of good cheer and joyous,

for these are our galleys, bringing twenty-one others ; and see their two lenys which they are bringing.” And all looked and counted them and were convinced. And meanwhile the two lenys came ashore and went to the Lord King who, they knew, was on the seashore, and told him the good news. And the Lord King had good reward given them for the good news.