A n d King Fadrique with all his power was thirty leagues away, at a place called Calatabellota. And with him were count Galceran with his company and En Hugueto de Ampurias, count de Squilace and En Beren­ guer de Entenza and En G. R. de Moneada and Don Sancho of Aragon, brother of the Lord King En Fadrique, and Frey Roger and micer Mateo de Termini and micer Conrado Lansa and m any other richs homens and knights who cried to the Lord King every day :— " Let us go to Sciacca and take micer Charles and the Duke for, as­ suredly, we can safely do it .” But the Lord King said :— “ Barons, do you not know that the King of France is Our cousin-german, and micer Charles as well ? Then, how can you advise me to go and seize micer Charles, a thing which is in our power ? But God does not wish that we should inflict so great a disgrace on the House of France, nor on him who is our cousin-german. If now he is opposed to us, peradventure, another time,

he will be with us.” Nothing could make him think otherwise.