And when the Cæsar parted from the host he left, as head and chief, the Grand Duke En Berenguer de Entenza and En Berenguer de Rocafort as seneschal of the host. And so, by his journeys, he came to the city of Adrianople, and the son of the Emperor, Skyr Miqueli, issued forth to meet him and received him with great honours ; and this the wicked man did in order to see with what com­ pany he was coming. And when he had entered Adria­ nople, the son of the Emperor stayed with him, amidst great joy and cheer which the Cæsar made for him, and Skyr Miqueli made the same for him. And when he had


stayed with him six days, on the seventh, Skyr Miqueli made the same for him. And when he had stayed with him six days, on the seventh, Skyr Miqueli summoned Gircon to Adrianople, the chief of the Alans, and Melech, chief of the Turcopoles,1 so that they were altogether nine thousand horsemen. And on that day he invited the Cæsar to a banquet. And when they had eaten, this Gircon, chief of the Alans, entered the palace in which Skyr Miqueli and his wife and the Cæsar were ; and they drew their swords and massacred the Cæsar and all who were with him ; and then, throughout the city, they killed all who had come with the Cæsar ; not more than three escaped who went up into a bell tower. And of these three, one was En Ramon, son of En Gilabert Alquer, a knight of Catalonia, a native of Castellón de Ampurias ; and the other, a son of a Catalonian knight, called G. de Tous, and the other Berenguer de Roudor, who was from Llobregat. And these were attacked in the bell tower and defended themselves so well that the son of the Emperor said it would be a sin if they were killed ; and so he gave them a safe-conduct, and they alone escaped.