W h e n the Lord King of Aragon had set in order and garrisoned the city of Gerona and left there, as chief and head, En Ramon Folch, viscount Cardona and, together with him, many honourable knights and citizens, and he saw that the King of France had pitched his tents and ordained the siege, he departed thence and went

to Besalu and garrisoned the town well and also the castles which are around Gerona. The men the Lord King of Aragon had put into the castles and villages gave many bad mornings to the host, and they scattered and destroyed many a fine drove of cattle which was coming from Rosas to Gerona. So that the men of arms got so much from the French and destroyed and anni­ hilated so many and performed so many feats of chivalry and of light troops against them that, as I have told you before in the case of Calabria, I should have too much to do were I to tell you a ll; wherefore I shall only tell you a summary. I tell you truly that they held the Frenchmen so closely that they could not go to fetch grass or wood without many armed horse pursuing them. And so, likewise, those inside made sorties, but they gave them plenty of bad times, for there was no day on which they did not make them get up from their meals three or four times, nor did they let them have a good sleep. Neither eating nor sleeping did them any good. And it may well be seen that the anger of God was upon them, for they were attacked by so much sickness that it was the greatest pestilence God had ever sent to any people.