And this place, Artaqui, which was part of the city of Troy and one*'of its gates, was a port in the middle of Boca Daner, in which there is a very beautiful castle called Paris, which Paris, son of King Priam, had had built when he had taken Arena, the wife of the Duke of Athens, by force of arms, in the island of Tenedos, which is five miles distant from Boca Daner. And in this island of Tenedos there was, at that time, an idol, and in a certain month of the year all the important men and ladies of Romania went there on a pilgrimage. And so it happened that, at that time, Arena, wife of the Duke of Athens, came there on a pilgrimage, accompanied by a hundred knights ; and Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, likewise had come on a pilgrimage, and had with him about forty knights. And he saw the Lady Arena, and became so enamoured of her that he said to his men that he must have her and take her away with him. And as he had set his heart on doing, so it was done. He and all his company put on their armour and captured the lady and he wanted to take her with him. And those knights who were with her, wished to defend her against him, but, in the end, all the hundred died and Paris took away the lady with him. Afterwards there ensued a great war ; and in the end the city of Troy which has a circuit of three hundred miles, was besieged for thirteen years and then was invaded and taken and destroyed.