It is the truth that when we knew that En Berenguer de Entenza was taken prisoner and that all who were with him were either killed or taken, we were much distressed, and so we were likewise when we knew the death of Sischar and the other messengers we had sent to the Emperor. And, one day, we assembled a council to discuss what we should do. And as I have told you already, we found that there were not left of us more than two hundred and six horse and twelve hundred and fifty-six foot. And the opinions we came to were two : some said that we should go, with all we possessed, to the island of Mitylene, which is a good and fertile island ; and that we had still full four galleys and full twelve armed lenys and many barges and a ship, a two-decker, so that we could embark and be saved ; and then from that island we should wage war upon the Emperor. And the other opinion was this, that it would be a great disgrace to us to have lost two lords and that so many worthy people should be killed through such great treachery without our avenging them, or dying like them ; that there would be no people in the world who would not have the right to stone us, if we did not do so, especially as we were people of such renown, and as the