N ow it is the truth that we had been in the peninsula of Gallipoli and in that district seven years since the death of the Cæsar, and we had lived there five years on the land and there was nothing left. And so, likewise, we had depopulated all that district for ten journeys in every direction ; we had destroyed all the people, so that nothing could be gathered there. Therefore we were obliged to abandon that country. And this was the decision of En Rocafort and those who were with him, Christians as well as Turks and Turcopoles. And so likewise it was the intention of En Berenguer de Entenza and En Ferran Ximeno and all their men, and mine too with those of Gallipoli. But we dared not move for fear of quarrels amongst ourselves ; we had nothing else to fear. And so the Lord Infante spoke with all, and it was agreed that all should abandon that district together, and that I, with the seamen in twentyfour lenys we had, amongst which were the four galleys (the rest being armed lenys and armed barges) should take away all the women and children and go by sea to the city of Cristopol, which is at the entrance to the dominion of Salónica ; and that I should demolish and burn' the castle of Gallipoli and the castle of Maditos and all the places we held. And so I took leave of them and went to Gallipoli and carried out what had been ordained, and with thirty-six sail, between galleys and armed lenys and armed barges and shore boats, I issued out of Boca Daner and set m y course for Cristopol.