I just wanted to go home. I did not care if there was mold. I did not care if it is ruined. I just wanted to be really close to my environment. It was not until I got to Georgia when I started to see how much the city was a part of me. Stuff that I did other people did not do. I was Catholic. People in Georgia would also ask me things like, “Why do you talk like that?” It would really frustrate me. I just felt so alienated. My grandmother was not in Georgia with us and my Auntie Nikki was gone. I think what I missed the most was the culture. It was the little things. They did not have crawfish. No snowballs, French bread, seasoning and red beans. But the little things do add up and when they are taken from you and it is like every which way you look everything is different. Eventually you are like, what do I have left?