This chapter aims to identify a number of suitable candidates for a logic that could be used as the underpinning for legal reasoning in the type of constantly evolving entity. It illustrates some of the pertinent ideas of Bańkowski's conceptualization of a supranational legal order. The chapter looks at a formal logic that owes much to the Polish logician, Stanis¯aw Leśniewski. It also looks at paraconsistent logics as a first step towards a formal analysis that is more accommodating to paradoxes, to represent the idea of law as an essentially contested project. The chapter focuses on various forms of formal descriptions of ontology evolution. It uses the case of Buchanan v. Babco, a dispute that involves alcohol, Scottish whisky, to be precise, though in logical parlance, the result is isomorphic relative to the type of alcohol, and Polish vodka would serve just as well. The chapter concludes the 'design requirements' for a legal logic in a dynamic, multi-jurisdiction environment.