This chapter examines the aims of the study, The Ghanaian Diaspora in the United States, and provides an in-depth analysis of the methods and techniques used in collecting the data for this study. In highlighting the diasporic and immigrant sojourn of Ghanaians in the USA, the study seeks to investigate the factors that shape and influence the outcomes of international migration among Ghanaians and to underscore the broader socioeconomic changes in Ghana that underlie the growing trend of out-migration of Ghanaians to the Western world. The study articulates the migratory experiences of the immigrants' household, along with the daily decisions. The purpose of the interviews was to collect baseline qualitative and quantitative information about the Ghanaian immigrants. The information gathered from the structured face-to-face interviews was supplemented with in-depth focus group interviews. The focus group method of data collection is designed to gather information from a small group of research participants about life events, processes, experiences, and attitudes.