This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on concepts covered in the preceding chapters of this book. The book expresses that non-Islamiosity enables to move beyond the at times exhausted concept of secularism and barren dichotomy between 'the secular' and 'the religious'. In the case of non-Islamious diasporic Iranians, discourses and practices of non-Islamiosity are applied, often partially and pragmatically, to specific situations in light of individuals' personal and political histories and according to their own definitions of freedom. It is of fundamental importance that such situations be studied as instances of secularism in their own right, and not as alternative modalities of Muslim living. The book shows, approaching such situations through existing concepts such as Islamophobia, secularism and 'fluid Muslim identity' can be greatly hampering. It is worth closing the book by reflecting on it in a very preliminary way, and is a moratorium hoping to inspire further investigation.