The command of some capital and entry into the world of commerce coincided with the appearance at Krichev of Samuel Bentham's (SB's) brother, Jeremy Bentham (JB). Over the summer of 1784 SB became better acquainted with Potemkin's industrial works at Krichev. Conversations with Potemkin had given him some indication of what the prince wanted from the workshops and SB inspected their accounts. In the summer of 1786 SB received from Potemkin his second tranche of roubles which he changed as before into ducats at Riga and sent to Kherson. JB's departure effectively ended SB's experience in industrial management in Russia. In May 1787 SB was called away from Krichev to attend the empress on her tour of the Crimea and never again returned. Early in November a naval captain was despatched by the Kherson Admiralty to take possession of, and maintain production at, the Krichev ropery.