ON October 19th Prince Alkas arrived at Krym to visit King Alexander; and on the same day he sent his u{den Lepsukh to Prince Semen and dyak T orkh to enquire after their health.

The ambassadors asked him why Alkas came to King Alexander and he replied that Prince Alkas was a kinsman, an uncle of King Alexander, and had now come to pay his respects to the King and to bring him a gift of prisoners and fish. 1

Prince Alkas called on King Alexander on October 20th. The King sent to Prince Semen and dyak Torkh Uman and the monk KirH who said: 'Prince Alkas begs King Alexander to take his son as a hostage, and he asks, you, the ambassadors, to order the release of his four u{dens, Yanuk and his comrades, who are kept as hostages on the Terek as security for his son.'