COMMENTAR Y 55 Relations he tween Eoris Godunov and the Suhlime Porte (ref. Chap. 9, p. 41 I, n. 2) Murat III had died 16 January 1595. During the brief reign of his son and successor, Mehmet III (who was in blood three parts Venetian - see Allen, PTP, Tables of Rulers, VIII), the Long War on the Danube had continued with some notable victories for the Turks - Erlau and Keresztes, 1596, Kanisha, 1600. But popular revolts in Anatolia had weakened the regime; and in January 1603 there was a serious outbreak of military anarchy in Istanbul (cf. Kramers under 'Muhammad III' in EI, 1st ed.). On 22 January Mehmet died. In September of the same year the capture of Nakhichevan and Tabriz by Shah Abbas I marked the beginning of the end of Turkish hegemony in Eastern Caucasia.