Information on the genealogy of the Shamkhals (Shev kals) of Tarku is incomplete. In 1868, SSKG, vyp. I, chast iv, pp. 33-80, printed an article, 'Shamkhaly Tarkhovskiye', with a genealogical tree beginning only with Surkhai Khan (1643-82). In OlD, Vol. I, pp. 90-140, Kosven has elucidated the subject, using Russian archival sources. But he does not attempt to provide a genealogical tree and remarks on the confusion which arises from the pretensions of'Shevkals' in Tarku, Enderi and Kumukh at the end of the sixteenth century. Kosven does not mention Kara-Musal who appears in the Georgian sources as the father-in-law of King Levan of Kakheti; nor does he identify 'the old Shevkal' stated by Don Juan, pp. 140, 153, to have been beheaded by Ozdemiroghlu Osman Pasha, outside Derbent, in 1578. Kosven's Shevkals are as follows: In Ka{i-Kumulch

(i) Shevlcal Kara Musal (Brosset, BHPjEC, Vol. 2, Nos. 14/15, col. 214andHG, 2mepartie, 1 livr., p. (34). A daughter became the second queen of Levan of Kakheti in 15 29. He may be equated with Ulkhai II or Bugudei of Kosven's list.