Cb) The Chudov - the Monastery of the Miracle - in the Moscow Kremlin, founded in 1365 to commemorate the miraculous cure of Taydulla Hatun, wife of the Tartar Khan U zbek. She had been suffering from an eye disease (Vernadsky, MR, p. 207). (This was the Taitughli or Tai-dula Hatun whose peculiar physical attractions were made known to Ibn Battuta: cf. Gibb, Ibn Battuta, Hakluyt Society ed., V 01. II, pp. 486--7.)

The Monastery, which was sacred to the Archangel Michael and to St Alexius, was under the direct jurisdiction of the Metropolitans and, later, the Patriarchs of Moscow. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries it was a seat of learning where sacred books were translated and corrected. For a view, see Grabar, 1st ed., Vo1. II, pp. 17, 19. For plans of buildings within the Kremlin, 1st. Moskvy, Vo1. I, opposite p. 104.