R i g h t honorable, Lord Boris Fedorowich.— At my departure from Mosco I left a letter with the Emperors deacke \diacli\} Posnycke Demetriov, to be delivered unto your lordship ; and douptinge it is not fathfully done, I thought good to wryt you theffecte therof againe. Right honorable, I was told by the Emperor’s high treasorour, Demenshoy Ivanowich Cheremissen, and Posnycke Demetriov, that, for the love the Emperour and you bare to the Quens Majesty, Andro Shalkan should not medell in this messaidge sent from her Majesty by me, for that he was an enyme. But sins I perceave his envious words and worckinge hath more prevaled then the Quens Majestys letters hath exceptan ce, he hathe not only practised to descredit the said letters under her Majestys hand and seall, but also dishonoreth the moste highe and mightie lords of her Majestys most honor-

able Privie Counsalle, in wrytinge ther letters unto your lordship, whome all the world doth reverence, honnour and belyve ; wher as if the Quens Majesty had writen unto the Emperor Salomon, the letters could not be in. better condition, tytell, sealle and writinge ; and so it will apere, notwithstandinge his fais invention.