Ivan Petrowich Susky, Mekita Romanowich, and Bodan Jacoulewich Belskoy, being all noble men, and chiefest in 80ηηβ' the Emperor’s will (especially the Lord Boris, whom he adopted as his third sonne, and was brother to the Empresse, who was a man very wel liked of al estates, as no lesse worthy for his valure and wisedome), all these were appointed to dispose and settle his sonne Pheodor Ivanowich, having one sworne another, and all the nobilitie and officers whosoever. In the morning the dead Emperor was layd into the church of Michael the Archangel, into a hewen sepulchre,

very richly decked with vestures fit for such a purpose ; and present proclamation was made-Emperor Pheodor Ivanowich, of all Russia, &c. Throughout all the citie of Mosco was great watch and ward, with souldiers and gunners ; good orders established, and officers placed to subdue the tumulters and mainteine quietnes. To see what speede and policie was in this case used was a thing worth the beholding. This being done in Mosko, great men of birth and accompt were also presently sent to the bordering townes, as Smolensko, Vobsco, Kasan, Novogorod, &c., with fresh garrison, and the old sent up. As upon the fourth of May a parliament was held, wherein were assembled the metropolitane, archbishops, bishops, priors, and chiefe clergie men, and all the nobility whatsoever ; where many matters were determined not pertinent to my purpose, yet all tended to a new reformation in the government : but especially the terme and time was agreed upon for the solempnizing of the new Emperor’s coronation.