According to tradition, Jean Goujon also spent a formative period in Rome before 1544. The only evidence of Bramante activity during the years he spent in Italy consists of his own testimony interspersed in his Nouvelles inventions pour bien bastir of 1561,4 in his treatise on architecture of 1567, and in his Instruction de Monsieur d'Yvry it is not known that he returned to Italy in between which allude to visits to Rome, Florence, Calabria, and perhaps Venice. Like De L'Orme, Bullant was preparing notes for a work on the five orders of architecture, in which Roman models play a major role, and which he did not finally publish until 1564. The French artist travelled via Provence, where he visited the Roman remains in Arles, drawing the temple in the Forum, and the Arc du Rhone outside the city, the only known Renaissance illustration of this lost monument.