This chapter illustrates the current situation of Airport Sustainability as practiced in Turkey across the triple bottom line (TBL) of economic, social, and environmental issues. Airport Sustainability is important in view of an urban context. Airport Sustainability, in effect, is a holistic approach to managing an airport so as to ensure the integrity of the Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility (EONS) of the airport. Aviation industry research and sources validate that environmental and energy-based sustainability initiatives are already being implemented and practiced in response to the aviation/airport industry's financial pressures as well as to the expectations or mandates of regulatory agencies. Airport operators are under the influence of both the external impacts and/or internal dynamics to the airports' stakeholders, Sustainable Development should be handled as both a natural part of their business and corporate social responsibility. TAV implements environmental/sustainability performance monitoring using an Environmental Management System (EMS) which is ISO14001 certified.