This chapter illustrates that the everyday management and negotiation of sexuality and religious faith is challenging, regardless of gender, sexual orientation and relationship status. On the whole, there was much diversity in the participants' experiences, which we explore through four main themes in this chapter. We start by examining the participants' general views about the appropriate contexts for interpersonal sex. The stories that the chapter presented clearly demonstrates that single heterosexual women and men deployed diverse strategies to manage the connection between their religious faith and sexuality. The chapter aims to illustrate the experiences of LGHB participants whose counter-normative sexualities place them in the vortex of this contentious and emotive debate. Institutional voices on morality and sexuality are still being heard and considered; however, they are now competing with other voices, particularly those predicated on positive personal experiences. This chapter expands the framework by considering the participants' management of religious faith and sexuality within the mainstream society, particularly youth culture.