Cyborg is a made-up word, which actually consists of the two words 'cybernetic' and 'organism'. The cyborg is a hybrid of machine and organism. The theoretical background in Donna Haraway's cyborg world is her criticism of what she views as totalising theories such as Marxist/socialist feminism and radical feminism. Haraway shows how feminist theorists argue against biological determinism and how they call academic objectivity into question. Sexual objectification and not alienation is the consequence of the sex/gender structure. Nina Lykke introduces the separation between human and machine actually came from and uses Latour in order to show that the modern era tried to maintain purity, which, however, was disrupted by the underground production of monsters. Lykke writes that because monsters, border transgressors and other dubious creatures are the true heroes. The new possibilities of transsexuality are an argument for the positive interpretation of the cyborg for feminism.