Lig played a highly significant role in the renewal of theology, catechetics and ecclesiology in post-war France. His pastoral theology introduced kerygmatic, catechetic discourse and methodology. Lig achieved a new status for pastoral theology at the Institut Catholique de Paris, establishing its scientific character as its own theological discipline. Drawing on his Christological and Ecclesiological principles, Lig developed a set of criteria as a reference point to help direct and stimulate church action. The debt to Lig of Canadian praxologie, acknowledged by Viau, and of Vatican II, acknowledged by Bishop Schmitt, has already been described. The testimonies of those who knew him well, such as Congar, Jossua, Marl, Schmitt, Coudreau, Rendu, Henry, Cruiziat, Refoul and many others, combine to reveal Lig as having united his masterful theological scholarship with his faith and discipleship. To Pierre-Andr Lig they seemed so new, so urgent and so worthwhile that he consecrated all his energy to them for twenty-five years.